
Welcome to the class blog for Mr. Bonomo's U.S. Government class.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

House Committees

Committee on Appropriations

  1. Sue Flay
  2. Polly Ester
  3. Doug Graves
  4. Billy Boards
  5. Liv Good

Committee on Armed Services

  1. Billy Boards
  2. Anna Graham
  3. Terry Bull
  4. Cam Payne
  5. Liv Good

Committee on the Budget

  1. Noah Lott
  2. Sue Flay
  3. Dr. Hurt
  4. Terry Bull
  5. Doug Graves

Committee on Education

  1. Anna Graham
  2. Terry Bull
  3. Doug Graves
  4. Noah Lott
  5. Sue Flay

Committee on Energy

  1. Terry Bull
  2. Noah Lott
  3. Doug Graves
  4. Dr. Hurt
  5. Sue Flay

Committee on Financial Services

  1. Polly Ester
  2. Noah Lott
  3. Cam Payne
  4. Allie Fresko
  5. Sue Flay

Committee on Foreign Affairs

  1. Dr. Hurt
  2. Noah Lott
  3. Billy Boards
  4. Cam Payne
  5. Sue Flay

Committee on Homeland Security

  1. Terry Bull
  2. Cam Payne
  3. Dr. Hurt
  4. Allie Fresko
  5. Polly Ester

Committee on Natural Resources

  1. Liv Good
  2. Noah Lott
  3. Billy Boards
  4. Sue Flay
  5. Allie Fresko

Committee on Rules

  1. Cam Payne
  2. Liv Good
  3. Dr. Hurt
  4. Allie Fresko
  5. Sue Flay

Committee on Science and Technology

  1. Billy Boards
  2. Cam Payne
  3. Sue Flay
  4. Terry Bull
  5. Liv Good

Committee on small business

  1. Cam Payne
  2. Polly Ester
  3. Anna Graham
  4. Doug Graves
  5. Shandra Lear

Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming

  1. Noah Lott
  2. Dr. Hurt
  3. Billy Boards
  4. Anna Graham
  5. Shandra Lear

Committee on Intelligence

  1. Noah Lott
  2. Dr. Hurt
  3. Billy Boards
  4. Anna Graham
  5. Shandra Lear

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