- Sue Flay
- Polly Ester
- Doug Graves
- Billy Boards
- Liv Good
Committee on Armed Services
- Billy Boards
- Anna Graham
- Terry Bull
- Cam Payne
- Liv Good
Committee on the Budget
- Noah Lott
- Sue Flay
- Dr. Hurt
- Terry Bull
- Doug Graves
Committee on Education
- Anna Graham
- Terry Bull
- Doug Graves
- Noah Lott
- Sue Flay
Committee on Energy
- Terry Bull
- Noah Lott
- Doug Graves
- Dr. Hurt
- Sue Flay
Committee on Financial Services
- Polly Ester
- Noah Lott
- Cam Payne
- Allie Fresko
- Sue Flay
Committee on Foreign Affairs
- Dr. Hurt
- Noah Lott
- Billy Boards
- Cam Payne
- Sue Flay
Committee on Homeland Security
- Terry Bull
- Cam Payne
- Dr. Hurt
- Allie Fresko
- Polly Ester
Committee on Natural Resources
- Liv Good
- Noah Lott
- Billy Boards
- Sue Flay
- Allie Fresko
Committee on Rules
- Cam Payne
- Liv Good
- Dr. Hurt
- Allie Fresko
- Sue Flay
Committee on Science and Technology
- Billy Boards
- Cam Payne
- Sue Flay
- Terry Bull
- Liv Good
Committee on small business
- Cam Payne
- Polly Ester
- Anna Graham
- Doug Graves
- Shandra Lear
Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming
- Noah Lott
- Dr. Hurt
- Billy Boards
- Anna Graham
- Shandra Lear
Committee on Intelligence
- Noah Lott
- Dr. Hurt
- Billy Boards
- Anna Graham
- Shandra Lear